Lake Erie Interclub Cruise

Welcome to 2025 | 67th annual Lake Erie Interclub Cruise.

Share your 'Memories' of the past.

The Lake Erie Interclub Cruise Committee has launched a 2025 effort to collect “Memorable Artifacts” related to prior & current Interclub events.  Upload photos, videos, stories, miscellaneous documents, and other memorable artifacts.


Artifacts Upload Tool

History on the Inter-Cup Trophy and Bruce Dell Cup

By Rich Loesel In 1907 the first official race was organized by the Erie Yacht Club from Erie to Port Dover. The cup would be named after the first yacht to win the race, ANNETTE was the winner. (I supposed that they got the idea from the America Cup.} This race was...

The Annette Cup

By Dave Heitzenrater The Most Historic racing trophy in the Erie Yacht Club display case is the Annette Cup. The initial challenge for this silver loving cup occurred when the Erie Yacht Club was a youthful dozen years old. The race began in Erie and continued past...


By Gib Loesel The yacht Enigma owned by Kennedy M. Eckerd kept a fairly good log, much of which was laced with poetry of sorts written by various poetic and non poetic members of the crew. The following are excerpts with a short story of what initiated said PUNK POEM:...

Interclub Story

By Doug Nagle III If memory serves me right, I think that 1963 was my first year aboard ENIGMA. This was a result of a brief conversation with my Dad that went something like this; “They’re looking for a kid to crew on the ENIGMA, you might learn something, would you...

If you want to know who really sailed on the ENIGMA, ask them what a “ticket” is.

By Hadley Jackson It was in 1978 or ’79 and my responsibility at the Port Dover Yacht Club was to look after docking about 45 boats in that years Interclub Cruise. As a keen, inexperienced owner of a C&C 25 it was exciting to welcome the many larger visiting...

Interclub Lore

By Jim Whistler After reading the ship’s logs of my father’s boats since 1954, I was tempted to summarize their Erie-Dover races of 1956 through the mid 60’s but since this is the 50th anniversary of the Interclub Cruise, I’ll recount the log of 1957. His boat at that...

Do You Remember?

Submitted by John Vallee Do you remember Jim McBrier’s orange Heritage One Ton Brier Rabbit and the huge carrot windsock that they flew from the masthead during cocktail hour? Do you remember the rivalry between the two Borsaw 40’s; Adams’ and Karl Smithers’ Thermis X...

Almost Overboard…..

Captain Jim The Sleigh Ride………what year, they all blend together over time…but it was a howler, back in the early 80s……on the Morgan 33…..the “Brier Rabbit” that always wanted to roll over but the mast got in the way……Port Dover to Abino……wind out of the SW building...

Diablo Aground

By J. Boyd Bert Some years ago we were enjoying a delightful spinnaker reach aboard Diablo to Port Dover in the first leg of the Interclub. As we approached Long Point we speculated on how great it would be if we could harden up around the Point and carry the chute on...

Recollections After 36 Erie-Dover Races

By Don Gregory Jim Daniels – Skipper – Jim was a gentleman we cruised along with the racers. He sure knew his way around SECRET. Warren Hunt drove the HUNTRESS. He wanted to win and let you know it too. I spent eight years with Warren, in the two segments. He was a...

Participating Yacht Clubs

Buffalo Canoe Club
Buffalo Yacht Club
Buffalo Harbor Sailing Club
Dunkirk Yacht Club
Erie Yacht Club
Port Dover Yacht Club
Sugarloaf Sailing Club

Lake Erie Interclub Cruise